Welcome to

Citylight South

upcoming events

Practices of Freedom Class

Join us for an 8-week class! Are you looking to grow in your faith and deepen your walk with God? We invite you to join our 8-week class, starting January 14th at 6:30 PM. This class will cover essential topics to help strengthen your spiritual life, including: Bible study, fasting, evangelism, and disciple making.

Childcare will be provided. Cost for the whole 8 weeks is $10 for one child, $15 for multiple.

Marriage Conference

What is the most important relationship in your life besides Jesus? If you are married, it is with your spouse. We want to help you invest in this relationship and grow closer to each other and to God. Sign up deadline is January 17. Please ask if you need financial assistance! Please email Ricky if you have any questions at ricky@citylightsouth.church

OWLS Potluck

Are you an empty nester? Retired or close to retiring? Are you further along in life and interested in connecting with others in the Citylight South Church family? Maybe you resonate deeply with 2 Timothy 4:7, and want to talk with others about how they are finishing the race well in their walks with Jesus.

Then come learn more about our OWLS (Older, Wiser, Loyal Saints) ministry! OWLS aspires to connect older saints in meaningful relationships with one another, with the church and with the Lord. The potluck will be after the second gathering.

Come get connected! Email wkelleyrn@hotmail.com with questions.

Baptism Class

Have you been baptized before, but have since rededicated your life to Jesus? Have you never been baptized since coming to know Christ? Do you have questions about what “believer baptism” means? Do you want to know more about what Citylight South believes on baptism? Then come learn at our upcoming baptism class!

We will have a baptism class on Sunday, July 21st, during the 10:45 gathering. We will discuss what baptism means, what the Bible says about baptism and how we celebrate baptism at Citylight South. Register and email alex@citylightsouth.church with any questions.

Connect with us!

View our Linktree to see events and get plugged in.

We Gather

Sunday Mornings

9:00 am

Kids Ministry ages nursery through 5th grade available.

10:45 am

Kids Ministry ages nursery through 4 years old available.

Watch Online

Can’t be there in person? New videos will be posted online on Mondays.

We Scatter

Throughout the week

Jesus has called us to make disciples. We believe the best way to make disciples is to scatter throughout the week in City Groups to experience a spiritual family that shares life together and serves a common purpose.