Our Story
How Citylight South Church came to be…

In August 2016, Citylight Lincoln Church originally planted with its core team on 28th and “O” St. On the first Sunday, Jesus brought over 300 people to come and worship! As the church continued to run after the city with the good news of Christ, it grew to over 800 people coming to worship on Sunday mornings, from all different areas of Lincoln.
In 2018, Citylight started to see City Groups multiplied to the South side of town. As members’ desire to reach their neighbors became so passionate, conversations about a South plant began. Our pastors pastors prayed—asking God to move and provide people and a space.
Shortly after, Jesus continued to build his church by providing staff eager to pursue the people in South Lincoln. Old Cheney Alliance Church soon came alongside Citylight Lincoln by generously offering a space to gather and worship on Sunday mornings. In June of 2018, Citylight Lincoln South launched as a campus with 75 core leaders. The church functioned as one church in two locations (central and South)—sharing pastors, finances, and ministry leaders.

After gathering with Old Cheney Alliance Church for the next several months, the elders of OCA felt the Lord leading them to join Citylight as one church! These faithful people asked God to give them clarity and a desire to continue to invest in the neighborhood. In November of 2018, OCA closed its doors, generously giving over their building to Citylight Lincoln. Jesus continued to build his church in South Lincoln! More people were hearing the Gospel, baptisms were being celebrated, and the church added to its numbers over the next year and a half.
In the fall of 2019, the elders of Citylight Lincoln began to see a vision specifically for reaching the community in South Lincoln. They felt the Spirit of God move to pursue launching the South campus as its own church plant. Over the next several months, God provided clarity for the vision of Citylight South Church, and leadership launched autonomously on March 1st of 2020.
Although the first year of the church plant began just two weeks before the Covid pandemic hit Nebraska, Jesus continued to be faithful to build his church. Citylight South started to see God work in amazing ways by providing financially, providing people to lead, providing community relationships, and providing new life to people who were once lost. Christ has been the center of Citylight South Church from the beginning, and he will continue to be as we ask him to do more than we could ever imagine!

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